Health Policy
This self-paced course consists of 4 sub-modules and takes about 1 hour to complete.
Pre-Test - Please complete the pre-test. It only takes about 3 minutes. Test results are reported as AGGREGATE DATA ONLY for us to evaluate the effectiveness of each learning module. Thank you!
Module 1: NPs and the Policy Arena - How can NPs influence health care beyond their patients, families, and communities? This module discusses NPs' role in the policy arena.
Module 2: NP Scope of Practice and the New York Modernization Act - This sub-module discusses the most important legislation of your career -- the Nurse Practice Act.
Module 3: Conversation with Peg O'Donnell - Peg O'Donnell is an adult and family nurse practitioner discusses her activism at the local, state, and national levels.
Module 4: Conversation with State Representative Gale Adcock - Gale Adcock is a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives representing District 41. She is a family nurse practitioner and in this module she discusses her career and journey as a legislator, as well as how NPs can become involved in shaping health policy.
Post-Test - Please complete the post-test. Like the pre-test, it only takes about 3 minutes and test results are reported as AGGREGATE DATA ONLY for us to evaluate the effectiveness of each learning module. Thank you!
Evaluation - Please complete this brief evaluation to receive CE credit.